Suggestions for improvement



Here are some ways of helping resolve the problems associated with palm oil.

Suggestion 1: One suggestion is to put labels/symbols on products containing palm oil. This would let people know if there was palm oil in that product or not. If the government of Australia did that, then there would be a decrease in palm oil demand and Australia would help the people of South-East Asia and the animals. Stop making palm oil to preserve the rain forest for the future.

Suggestion 2: Another suggestion is to advertise the campaign on TV to raise awareness of the problem. If the campaign advertised a short, sad, truthful video, that people were watching, they would be instantly shocked and would want to help.

Suggestion 3: Ecotourism projects provide employment for local people to be educated to become guides. They could take visitors to unspoilt areas and to palm oil plantations to see how sad it is that the animals are losing their habitat. This would earn money for the local guides and their families.

We must stop this devastation in its tracks.

Take action today before it’s too late.

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